Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year’s Song – Seasons of Love

The New Year always makes me think of this song from Rent.  It’s one of my favorite Broadway shows. 

Thought I would share…


New Year’s Eve!

I’ve been on a holiday hiatus!  I haven’t blogged or really done much of anything over the holidays…  “Why?” you ask.  Because I have been laaaaaaaaazy!  haha!

Everyone is making their New Year’s Resolutions and getting ready for the fantastic parties!


I haven’t quite made all my resolutions yet, but I heard some on the morning news today.  One guy made a resolution to “Be Nice.”  Does that mean he is going to be a complete dick until midnight?  My boyfriend and I just thought it was a little funny. 

Anyways… In the New Year of 2011 (!), I am going to have some more posts!  I will probably even have to back track because I still haven’t posted anything about Christmas!  I am so behind!  :) 

Happy New Year and Best Wishes! 

Don’t Drink and Drive!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Apple Pie Drink

I have been MIA…  You know the holidays… Lots to do… Lots to drink…

Speaking of drinks!  My boyfriend and I went to a Christmas party the other night.  One of the guests brought an apple pie drink.  It’s made with Everclear. 


As soon as I heard that, hazy college nights came to mind along with a burning sensation.  I tried it, and it was delicious!  I couldn’t even taste the alcohol, which is even more dangerous.

My boyfriend got the recipe from the guy, and we made some this weekend.


  • 1 qt. Everclear
  • 1 gal. Apple Juice
  • 1 gal. Cider, apple
  • Cinnamon Sticks
  • 3 cups Sugar

Mix the apple juice, cider and cinnamon sticks.  Boil about 15 minutes.  Add the sugar and boil another 15 minutes.  Take out the cinnamon sticks.  Let cool and add the Everclear!  Yum!

apple-pie-drink-200X200It’s good warm or cold!

This recipe makes a lot!!  We are bringing it to family Christmas and a friend’s Christmas party!  Try it!  I promise you will like it!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Boyz II Men Back Again

I went to a Christmas party for work.  Some girls had a couple of free tickets to a En Vogue/Boyz II Men concert and asked if we wanted them…. Of course!


I like their shirts, but I had forgotten what songs they sing. 


“What’s it going to be?  ‘Cause I can’t pretend.  Don’t you want to be mooooore than friends?  Hold me tight and don’t let go!  Don’t let go!”


They sang for a bit.  Then it was BOYZ II MEN!  Woo hoo!  There are only three of them now, but I guarantee they are still cool.  I even thought it might be kind of lame, but little did I know they are still amazing!

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They did all their choreographic moves!


And, of course, they pulled out their little stools.

Lesson learned:  Boyz II Men Going On!  Woo!  Woo!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

20 Salads in December: My 1-6 Salads

I accepted the 20 Salads in December Challenge.  I don’t know about all the rules, but this is a record of my 20 Salads.

1 and 2:  I ate a Salmon Caesar Salad from Louie’s.  I count this as two because I split up the salad.  I ate half of it at lunch and the other half for dinner.  That counts as two right?


3:  Black Bean Salad/Chili.  In my salad recipe quest, I found some cold black bean salads, but a hot black bean chili sounded much better in the cold weather.  Even though it’s not a cold salad, I’m still counting it. 


4:  Broccoli slaw.  One of my boyfriend’s favorite side dishes. 


5 and 6:  I had this pasta salad a couple of times at work.  I still have some leftover.  So, you will probably see it again!


I am doing pretty well on my salads.  Plus, I have tried to stay away from the boring green salads.  I think I will be able to complete the 20 Salad Challenge.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

OU Quidditch

My boyfriend read an article in the Oklahoma Daily about Quidditch on OU campus.  Of course, we had to check it out.  It was held on the intramural field.  No capes or Harry Potter glasses, but there were plenty of broomsticks. 

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We wondered how they would handle the Snitch.  I thought it would be funny if it were a chicken or pig they had to catch.  Turns out, it was a human!  Hahaha!  He had a gold ball taped to his back. 

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They caught him fairly quickly.  I guess he wasn’t a cross country runner.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Jack’s Class

We have been taking Jack to the Canine Sports Academy for training.  He is getting a little better.  Not perfect, but better. 


He tries to listen, but he gets really distracted by everything else that is going on. 


They even brought out the training tunnel towards the end of class because we had some extra time.  Jack hesitated at first, but he eventually went through it. 


There is a really cute dog in class that is deaf.  You can see his little butt coming out of the tunnel.  He’s sooo cute!!  I wanted to take him home!


YAY, JACK!  He has to learn a trick for the end of class to graduate.  We haven’t quite decided what his trick will be, but we are working on several things. 

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Amish Noodles

One of my favorite things is Amish Style Homemade Noodles.  My mom bought some for me a little while back, and I forgot about them until the other night!  Super excited!


Cook them in vegetable or chicken stock with a little bit of butter, salt and lots of pepper.  Not too complicated, and very yummy!


Made some potatoes with onions…


The other night’s spread…  I haven’t been grocery shopping since before Thanksgiving.  We are trying to use up all the food that we have in the pantry and fridge.  I am not a big fan of grocery shopping, and I hate standing in the lines at Wal-mart.  Also, self check-out makes me nervous.  Pretty good dinner with not a lot of planning. 


Me and my favorite little buddy snuggling up after dinner.  


I love this little guy!

O Christmas Tree!

We put up our Christmas Tree, and I even wrapped some of our presents.


I bought these cute ornaments at Kohl’s this past Black Friday!  Love them!

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My boyfriend’s addition to the tree…



Monday, November 29, 2010

Tailgating at Bedlam 2010


My boyfriend is a Sooner, but his brother is an Aggie. 


Typical Tailgating Behavior: IMG_4587 IMG_4588

People even set up their TVs for viewing pleasure: IMG_4591

The OSU Players Walk… Look at All that Orange! IMG_4595

Unbearable Lightness by Portia

I finally finished Portia’s book.  I really enjoyed the last portion of the book.  She eventually learns an “ordered” way of eating. 


She finds it is much easier to maintain weight without depriving herself of any type of food.  If she is able to eat whatever she wants, she finds she doesn’t crave it or need to binge.  She finds being vegan comes naturally to her. 

She also finds a healthy way to exercise.  She walks the dogs and takes up horseback riding.  An observation that I thought was interesting:  You never see overweight people outside walking their dogs, but you do see overweight people inside on the treadmill.  Finding a way to exercise and be happy is essential. 

Anyways, I am glad I read it…

Anyone up for a book exchange??  If you want to read her book, I will trade you for another interesting book.  Let me know!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Family and Thanksgiving

I hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving!  I had a great one!  We ate lunch/dinner at my brother’s house. 

My sister-in-law and nephew with his new glasses:


My cutest, little niece: DSCF2192

My brother’s mother-in-law, mom, and me: DSCF2215

The Thanksgiving spread: DSCF2223

Deviled eggs and broccoli slaw (One of my boyfriend’s favorites):DSCF2224

Mashed potatoes of both sweet and sour (regular with sour cream): DSCF2226

Dressing (Right is with apples and sausage): DSCF2227

Turkey and Ham: DSCF2228

The pecan pie: DSCF2231


The playtime after dinner: DSCF2235

My littlest nephew playing in his sister’s boots: DSCF2236 DSCF2239Isn’t he the cutest?

Sending you good wishes today!!